Thursday, September 6, 2007


We had our first full-dress rehearsal the past Tuesday, 4th September 2007. It was passable, with a few hiccups here and there, but that's fine - we'll get past that. But work alone is no use, if God is not with us, however major our plans are, it'll fail. So dear Timothians, in this last week leading up to the actual Bu Dao Hui, pls put your hearts & hands together as we pray together as one. I'll put up a prayer calendar shortly and I hope all of us can adhere to it.

But for now, I'll give an outline of what we should be praying about before the calendar is up:

1. YOURSELF - the role that you'll be playing during BDH. No one is too minor. Whether you're the actor/actress, props-man, sound-man, lights, backstage, ushers, worship, etc, pray that in you will be able to bring out your best and glorify His name in all that you do.

2. YOUR FRIENDS - the friends that you're planning to invite. Pray for God to free their time and their willingness + open heart to attend.

3. SPEAKER + ZHUXI - pray that through the songs & sermon, the Holy Spirit will come upon every attendee for that night and touch their hearts - old, new & even non-believers alike.

4. THE PROGRAMME ITSELF - from the very beginning: pre & post-programme events, all the rehearsals, logistics, manpower; right down to the details such as
make-up, costumes, souvenirs... pray that all will proceed smoothly and even if there should be any faults, we will not let it bring our spirits down, but instead, learn from it and better it next time round.

This is the final lap. Everybody, just tahan one more wk after which, we will be able to produce a beautiful report card for God.



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